Nachhaltige und innovative Energielösungen
Innovationsgeist ist Teil unserer Firmenkultur. Als führende Anbieterin von flüssiger Energie sind wir unserer Verantwortung bewusst. Mit zukunftsorientierten und umweltschonenden Lösungen tragen wir zur Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen bei und bieten nachhaltige Alternativen.
Our Responsibility for the Environment
As a responsible enterprise with its roots in the oil trade, we are committed to developing sustainable solutions to reduce our carbon footprint. volenergy is supporting the energy transition with a range of measures, such as the admixing of biofuels, the development of bio-heating oil and carbon-neutral e-fuels, the promotion of energy efficiency, and the use of climate-friendly construction technologies.
Admixing of biofuels
One focus of our investments is the conversion of our tank farms for the storage and admixing of biofuels. We are actively committed to integrating these environmentally friendly options into our offerings as part of our contribution to climate protection.
In addition, we are proud to operate the first plant in Switzerland for the handling and admixing of HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil). This investment will enable us to operate more effectively and sustainably by providing our customers with access to advanced low-carbon fuel options.