Supply & New Energies

We offer our major customers attractive solutions, diverse pricing models, and flexible delivery agreements. Contact us to learn more.

Cheerful volenergy employee takes a call in his office, wearing a headset

Reliable Partnership for Your Success

At volenergy, customer satisfaction is paramount. We understand that every customer has their own individual requirements, which is why we always tailor our services to you.

Largest Network of Delivery Locations in Switzerland

We ensure that our customers always have fast and efficient access to our products. We also provide the option of renting tank storage capacity at our own facilities, giving our customers additional flexibility and control over their supply. This direct integration into our infrastructure allows our customers to plan their operations efficiently and avoid bottlenecks.

Your contact person

Bernhard Maurer

Head of Supply & New Energies


Your contact person

Andy Vorburger

COO of Supply & New Energies

+41 62 836 85 55

Your contact person

Marco Parrini

Senior Trader

+41 62 836 85 53

Your contact person

Orfeo Mattmann

Senior Trader

+41 62 836 85 53

Your contact person

Stefan Zeyrek

Senior Trader

+41 62 836 85 53